piconv -- iconv(1), reinvented in perl


piconv [-f from_encoding] [-t to_encoding] [-p|--perlqq|--htmlcref|--xmlcref] [-C N|-c] [-D] [-S scheme] [-s string|file...] piconv -l piconv -r encoding_alias piconv -h


piconv is perl version of iconv, a character encoding converter widely available for various Unixen today. This script was primarily a technology demonstrator for Perl 5.8.0, but you can use piconv in the place of iconv for virtually any case.

piconv converts the character encoding of either STDIN or files specified in the argument and prints out to STDOUT.

Here is the list of options. Some options can be in short format (-f) or long (--from) one.


iconv (1) locale (3) Encode Encode::Supported Encode::Alias PerlIO